Tip Tuesday – 3rd tip for shinny knott free hair

Welcome back to Tip Tuesday for another week and another amazing life changing tip! This is a continuation of the tips I have for Shinny, knot free, hydrated hair home remedies that are cheaper then a hair salon any day…

The Mayonnaise Treatment

Full-fat mayonnaise is tastey on the old egg sandwich, salad and how about giving it a go on your hair…not for eating this time but to allow it to work miracles on making your hair extremely shiny, soft, silky and healthy looking. Mayonnaise is made with eggs and oil, thus giving you the desired outcome you are after….


  1. Massage ½ cup mayonnaise into your hair and scalp,
  2. cover with a shower cap, and leave it on for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Jump in the shower and then proceed to Shampoo and rinse with lukewarm water.

Remember you will be smelling like mayo so plan to perform this treatment when you a spare hour to kill at home alone! 🙂
